Case 5 - Clifton Close, Oldham

Permission was refused for the change of use to a retail shop due to the effect of the proposal on the living conditions of neighbouring residents, and the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the area.

The appeal site was considered to be a somewhat unconventional location for a retail outlet but the Inspector accepted that the proposed shop would be one that provides local facilities that meets a specific local need. It is located within a predominantly residential area and one might expect that because of this a good deal of customers would walk to the shop. The access is somewhat restricted but provides reasonable vehicular access with adequate turning and parking spaces. Even taking deliveries into consideration I consider that it is unlikely that there would be a significant additional noise and disturbance as a result of additional traffic.

Despite the proximity of residential properties The Inspector considered that the noise and disturbance that would be created by any additional traffic or activity around the proposed shop would not be significant.